Tuesday, July 22, 2008

When will the Storm be over?

The devil is very busy in my family. From the start of the 4th of July up until now there has been issues and problems in my family on both sides of my family. I just don't get it!!! Throughout all this drama, I have wondered if this is a sign for me. A sign meaning that I need to reach out or that this is happening to prepare me for something worse that is getting ready to happen. I try and try to help my family, especially my moms side of the family out and they still don't get it. When will they learn to stop doing what they are constantly doing? Right about now I feel like secluding myself and just staying away from the family, but I cant!!! Its not in me to just leave them and not help them out. But sometimes you got to let them learn the hard way!! I just hope the storm is going to come to an end quickly!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Well this 4th of July was a different celebration than previous years. The weather was bad and it was not a good. It rained and rained and rained and it just looked gloomy outside. No sun at all!!!! It was so depressing when the sun was not out yesterday. All plans for a great family bar be que was ruined due to rain!!!!! But my family still w. They went and bar be qued in the rain and believe it or not it was good. The food was good and I didnt stay around for the fireworks. I went to my god fathers house with my god brother and watched them light up fireworks and have a good time. My INDEPENDENCE day was nice but if the sun was shinning it would have been better. But there is always next year!!!!!!