Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

I am thankful for being alive. I thank God everyday for blessing me and giving me the strength to wake up to see another day. I am very blessed to have everything that I have and also for the people in the life. Sometimes I wonder, why I am friends with the people who are my friends and also why I put up with so much........but then I think about everything that I have been through in my life and I realize that it makes me a stronger person in the end! I am getting stronger and stronger each day!!!!!! Life wasn't meant to be easy, it is meant to be rough and hard at times. I know that I don't say this often, but I love all my friends and family and wouldn't trade them for the world!!!!!! Everybody comes into your life for a reason and even if it is for a short while, they came into your life for a purpose!!! I am blessed and pray and continue to stay blessed throughout my entire life.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Life is confusing!?!?!?!?

So I have always wanted to be an attorney when I was a little girl. That was my dream and I love watching shows were they have attorneys in them. It excites me very much! However, I must say that now that I have graduated from Grad school, I need to go back to school to obtain my degree in Law School. BUT, the problem is that I am not certain if I am absolutely ready for this or not. I mean dont get me wrong, when I put my mind to something, I get it done one way or another! But this is different, this is something that I want so bad that I can just taste it!!!!! My only fear is failing at what I really want so bad!!!! I have never wanted something so bad and now that I am so close to achieving this, I dont want to mess up! So the question now is if I will stay in my city and attend law school or if I will go out of state and attend Law School. Apart of me wants to get away from this city an try something new and another part is saying for me to stay here and go to school. Choices, choices!!!! I dont know what to do!!!!!!! I just pray that I make the right decision and that the decision is what I want!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


So in Kentucky we received the after effect of Hurrican IKE on this past Sunday!! It was HORRIBLE......we just got the winds, no rain, JUST WINDS!!! The winds were so strong that it knocked out more than 300 thousand homes and left them with no electricity. My electricity went out around 11am and came back on around 9pm. I THANK GOD!!! I was getting so bored without electricity in my apartment, I couldnt sleep and I was just staring out the window with the patio door open to get a good breeze in my apartment! It completely shut everything down and our state was in an Emergency!!!!!!!! I have NEVER seen nothing like it! I just left church and saw tree limbs covering parts of streets and laying on peoples houses. I immediately went to Walmart to attempt to grab me something to eat, toilet paper and water. I didn't make it out of the store!!! The electricity went completely out and I was stuck at the check out line. I left my cart and walked out of Walmart and immediately came home. When I arrived home, I knew my electricity was out! NOTHING was open, I couldnt even eat anything for fear of opening my refrigerator and letting all the cool air out. I found an O Charley's open and ate there, the only meal for the day!!!!! It seemed like everybody was there wanting to eat for there dinner and dessert. What a nightmare!!!!! The news is saying that it will take up to 2 weeks to return everyones electricity back to normal, I just thank God that mine is back on!!! Please pray for our state and for those elderly folks and I hope that everything and everyone is ok!!!!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Who said ADULTS can't have fun?????

So today I went to a local park and played an adult game of kickball. I was not at all feeling like playing this game today. Why you ask? I woke up with a headache and had the headache for 4hrs.... it was so painful it was just ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I went to the game and it turned out to be soooooooo much fun!!!!! We had a good time and it brought out so many memories of my childhood when I played kickball in the street with my family and friends. We play a total of 10 games each game being played on a Sunday. Oh how I feel like a kid again!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

When will the Storm be over?

The devil is very busy in my family. From the start of the 4th of July up until now there has been issues and problems in my family on both sides of my family. I just don't get it!!! Throughout all this drama, I have wondered if this is a sign for me. A sign meaning that I need to reach out or that this is happening to prepare me for something worse that is getting ready to happen. I try and try to help my family, especially my moms side of the family out and they still don't get it. When will they learn to stop doing what they are constantly doing? Right about now I feel like secluding myself and just staying away from the family, but I cant!!! Its not in me to just leave them and not help them out. But sometimes you got to let them learn the hard way!! I just hope the storm is going to come to an end quickly!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Well this 4th of July was a different celebration than previous years. The weather was bad and it was not a good. It rained and rained and rained and it just looked gloomy outside. No sun at all!!!! It was so depressing when the sun was not out yesterday. All plans for a great family bar be que was ruined due to rain!!!!! But my family still w. They went and bar be qued in the rain and believe it or not it was good. The food was good and I didnt stay around for the fireworks. I went to my god fathers house with my god brother and watched them light up fireworks and have a good time. My INDEPENDENCE day was nice but if the sun was shinning it would have been better. But there is always next year!!!!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Family Reunion

So my entire family on my mother side is coming to town for a family reunion. I am not excited at all!!! For 1.) ITs suppose to rain, but who can predict the weather right??? 2.) My family has not been together since my grandmother died in 2003!! When all my family gets together, there is always something bad that happens! I just hope and pray that everything goes well and that no drama or fights break out! I mean I love my family and all but they just dont know how to act civilize and someone is always extra drunk and acts a fool!!!! Wish us luck!!! lol lol

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Free Time

I am so happy that I have so much free time now that school is over. I have been thinking about the possibility of getting a part time job. Gas is outrageous and I need some extra cash quick!!! Part of me doesnt want to work another job because I dont want to tooooo busy, but I think I may need to work somewhere!!!! The question is where?!?! I dont want to go too far away from home because I already have a far drive on me as it is! I guess time will tell when I start looking for something, nothing major just a little job somewhere that can work around my real job schedule!!!! But if not that is ok too, I just gotta watch my spending habits and start saving my money for the unexpected!!! Other than that, I LOVE my free time right now and just going to work and doing whatever I want is LOVELY right now and I dont want to give that up!!!!!! But we will see what happens............

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So I graduated with my Master's Degree on May 10, 2008. While a graduation, I was experiencing the worst headache ever....or at least I thought it was a headache. My headache latest 8 hrs. I had repeatedly taken medication to stop the headache and nothing was working. So after graduation, I had a party, NOTHING was going to stop me from partying that night. I was EXTREMELY happy about my success. The night, I lost my voice and the next day, my voice ended up worst.....I felt like crap that day. I ended up at the Urgent Care treatment center and was diagnosed with Tonsillitis....this is the worst feeling ever........I hope I never get this AGAIN!!!!! It hurts when I talk, eat and swallow anything. This is the worst ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Its official......I am officially done with grad school......I have finished with my MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SOCIAL WORK. I am officially done and I can not wait til I graduate May 10, 2008 so I can party that night........I AM SOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY to be done. Now I can go to work and do the things I want to do and not have to worry about doing school work or at least for now. I am planning on going to Law School but I have numerous decisions to make in regards to law school so lets hope whatever decision I make that it is the right one and I dont regret it!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Why is some of my family trying to compare me to my cousin? This is not a contest.....going to COLLEGE is not a competition! So why do it? Dont try to compare me with her because there is no comparison!! I love my family dearly but there has always been some type of jealousy between me and some of my family members. See what you dont know is that this has been happening since I was little. I was raised by my grandmother because my mother died when I was little and from that I have always been treated differently. I dont get it, I didnt ask for my mother to die when I was young, I also didnt ask for my grandmother to take me in and raise me either! That was my father's doing, but he was always there as well. Now that I have a cousin graduating from college with some type of degree, I dont know what it is, its like my family is trying to say that since my ENTIRE family came to support me that have to support to her too. That is true to some extent......see what you dont know is that my grandmother died when I was in college and I only finished college because of my grandmother. So therefore thats why my family choose to come and support me because my mother is not here. My cousin on the other hand has a mother....I DONT!!!!!!!! Thats the difference between us! So why is certain people trying to throw that up in our faces, thats not cool and I WOULD NEVER do that to anyone!!!!! I dont get it!!! So now I cant go to my cousin's graduation and I graduate with my Masters in a month. I think that since I cant go, they wont come to mine. But to be totally honest, I dont care because I did this for me and not for them AND my mother and grandmother will be there in spirit and smiling down on me and TO ME thats all that matters!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Apprentice

OK so I ABSOLUTELY love this show...I mean its to the point were I don't talk on my phone when the show is....however I am upset about the finale!!! I cant believe that TRUMP would pick Pierce over Trace!!!!!!!!!! No one like Pierce at all, HE MADE ME SICK and I wasn't even there with them!!!!! I just cant believe that he would pick him as The Apprentice. If you have watched this show then you might understand what I am talking about...I am a HUGE fan of this show and just because TRUMP picked the WRONG Apprentice, I will still be a faithful watcher!!!! I think that when I get the guts to go on this show then I will and WIN!!!!!!!! But until next year.....I hope that Pierce is happy he won! I guess Congratulations were in order for him.......NOT

Monday, March 17, 2008

1 Month left!!!!!!

Ok real quick, I am very sleepy...I have exactly 1 month left until I am finished with school!!!!!! I will officially have my Masters of Science in Social Work Degree!!!! I cant wait until I am finished!!!! Please keep praying for me and for those of my friends who encourage me keep doing that also!!!!! Happy St. Patricks Day!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Be Patient and Wait!!!!

Ok so I have heard this saying for a long time, "Just be patient and wait." I use to think to myself, "yea, whatever, me wait, PLEASE." Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't wait on anybody, I will get what I want, myself!! But there is something that I just cant get on my own and I do need to wait and be patient. But it is so hard and I get so frustrated when I see others out there who have what I want!! Maybe it is not meant to be, I think. Or maybe I had it and didn't know and now I cant get it because it is gone!!! Others have also told me that it will come to me, but there has been plenty of its that have came but just wasn't the right it, or at least I thought. And now I am thinking that maybe I am holding onto something that isn't there and I am wishing for it to be there. Should I let go? Or should I hold on? I have prayed, and prayed to God about this and nothing has happened!!! But I also have to remember to wait on the Lord and be patience because he doesn't come when I want him to but he is always on time!!! So my "it" in this situation is a MAN!!!! LOL LOL But I know that if I am patience and wait on the Lord than he will send me Mr. Right. And I believe that I am ready now to be patience and wait.....I will let you know how this turns out!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Possible Internship

Ok so I have been working on something that I really want to do. I was sent an email about an Internship at the WHITE HOUSE....YES THE WHITE HOUSE in Washington D.C. However, the internship is not paid. If I get accepted, I will have to find somewhere to live, and money while in Washington, D.C. Also I have bills at home that will be need to be paid also. I worked so hard to get this accomplished and have received 3 nicely written letters of recommendation. If I get accepted I will be there from the end of May 2008 until the middle of August 2008. They only choose 100 applicants. So keep your fingers that I get accepted and God has something worked out for me financially to accomplish this because it is a VERY VERY good experience for me to do especially since I want to go to Law School soon as I graduate with my masters degree (which is in May 2008). I will definitely keep you posted.........

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Lately, I have been really really tired!!! Some days I come home and I am extremely tired to the point were I dont want to take off my shoes. I would rather sleep in my clothes that I wore that day. lol, I know eee!!!! But I dont do that, I get ready for bed and begin the day all over again. With going to work full time and grad school full time, I can barerly find time for myself!!! I just dont understand when is it going to end..................... And another thing, it is hard trying to write in this blog as well, but this entry is going to be a short one because I am sleepy....very sleepy!!!!!!! Until next time........

Monday, February 11, 2008

Good Day!!!!!

Well I had good day for once in a long time!!! My nephew was born at 12:03pm on Sunday February 10, 2008. He weighed in at 6lbs and 9 ozs with a name of Xzavier. I have not seen him personally yet, but I seen a picture of him and he looks like his mommy, which is my step sister!!!!! I cant wait to see my lil nephew!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to my step-sister and her boyfriend on their new baby!!!!!

On another note, I went out on a date last night. It was WONDERFUL!!!!!!!! I was so anxious and nervous because I have not been on a date in a long time. We went to a play called, "Whatever She Wants." He came and picked me up, he was dressed appropriately for the occassion and so was I. We had a nice time at the play. He then took me out to eat at my favorite restaurant, which he picked to eat at. After that he brought me home!! It was wonderful and I had a nice time. This date was long overdue for me because me and my guy friend have not been out together in LONG TIME!!!!!!! But we had fun and hopefully there will be more dates to come or at least I hope there will be!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008


So my birthday was yesterday and out of all days, I was MOVING into my new apartment, which SUCKED!!!!!! I didnt plan for that to happen, I had planned on moving the friday before my birthday Feb 1, 2008 but plans didnt go my way!!!! So I had received numerous text messages and phone calls on my birthday and I was moving!!!! I didnt really plan on doing anything for my birthday because I had a slight feeling that this was going to happen! I went out to eat with some friends and family on my birthday and had a very nice time. It was just what I needed and later that night I went out with my cousins and had a nice time also!!! I am TRUELY exhausted and cant wait for my apartment to get in order so I can feel perfectly at home!!! Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

2007 no MORE!!!!!!!!- Or at least, I hope!!!

Ok, so about 2 weeks, I told you all that something from my past was brought back up. I had to attend to this situation and lets just say that I faced it head on........something bad almost happen, BUT I was able to get out of the situation in one piece! Hopefully I wont be haunted again because I don't want to relieve those painful memories of 2007 and I want to look forward to the future of 2008 and the years to come and what GOD has in store for me! So I want to say Thanks to my BFF who helped me before I had to encounter this situation and also when it was over! That's what BFFs are for!! I have the best BFF in the world!!!!! No matter what I do or say, my BFF accepts me Flaws and all!! We began being friends in 2000 at college and been friends ever since. Don't get me wrong, we had our share of falling out in college but we overcame that and I learned a lot about myself that she had to tell me! And I am grateful to her for being able to tell me when it made me mad and kind of hurt, but I got over it!!! And I can honestly say that she is a TRUE FRIEND!! Don't get me wrong, I do have TRUE FRIENDS that have been my friends since we were little, but not ONCE has she judged me like some of my so called, "TRUE FRIENDS." My so-called TRUE FRIENDS are not my friends anymore, they are more of my associates. So to all my TRUE FRIENDS out there and you know who you are, THANK YOU and I LOVE YA!!!!! And to my BFF, we will always be BFFs to the day we die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Follow-Up on School Blues

Ok so I attended my first week of classes last week. We did the general things, go over books, papers and when assignments were due. I TRUELY believe that this semester is going to be a better semester than the last. I do not have that many demanding things to do this semester. BUT this doesn't mean that I can slack up!! I am going to do best and end the school year right and give it all I got because the finish line is very near I SEE IT!!!!!!! Wish me luck and wish me well!! I may not be on here like I usually am, but I will keep you all posted on everything, especially when I am finished with all this. And oh yea on top of all this, there is a guy running around my neighborhood, molesting females and trying to sexually assault them. And I am moving at the end of the month. So I may not be on here for a while, but I will be back!!! WISH ME LUCK!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Remember when I said I wanted to leave 2007 in the PAST. I also said that it probably wouldn't be possible because somethings would resurface back up for me, both good and bad...........well something resurfaced and I feel like I am being HAUNTED in a BAD WAY!!!!!!! WHY???????????? I don't understand why this is happening to me!!!! I got a phone call today while I was at work and BAM!!! I am being haunted again by something that I had planned on leaving in the past, 2007 past!!!! I really don't know what is going to happen now that the situation has caught back up with me!! I don't want to relieve the moment or even think about it.....but I have no choice. I have to face this situation and everything that is going to come with this and pray that NOTHING bad happens!!1

On another note, I am somewhat sadden today. I was sadden before I stepped into my work building. I received some terrible news of a murder....I saw the murder on the television screen this morning and thought to myself, "WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET IT TOGETHER?" The person who got murdered, I knew him. I knew his family and I am close to the person's cousin. I just don't understand why innocent people have to die that way. I couldn't imagine what the family is going through along with the persons parents. I don't know what I would do, if someone in my family was murdered the way the person was!!!! Its a sad situation for everyone..... This world we live in is a vicious world full of love and hate. It almost makes you scared to leave the house. That is why this year and the years to come, if I see them that long I am going to live life to the fullest!! I am going to TRY to not hold grudges or get into an argument with someone. Because you never know when your last day on this earth is going to be!!! I hope and pray that justice is served and the family finds peace within there hearts to forgive and God handle this situation.

I will keep you all posted on my HAUNTING!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

School Blues!

I have the school blues!!!! I am starting my last semester of grad school this week! I do not want to go back to school! BUT I am so close to finishing that I can see the finish line!! I have went to school straight through, no breaks in school at all. From high school to undergrad and from undergrad to graduate school with no breaks, NO NOTHING!!! I really feel like my brain is going to explode!! I hear people say all the time: "You can do it", "You don't have any kids", and "Your Young" but my thing is I have went straight with no breaks at all!! But I have a feeling if I did take a break, I would not go back!!! I really didn't have to go to Grad school, but I can not make any decent money with a bachelor degree in Social Work!! That is just not going to happen!!! So I choose to continue my education and my masters degree, but really I am burnt out on school!!!! So as I begin my last semester of grad school because it is SO DEMANDING, I am going to do my best and just keep telling myself....THE FINISH LINE IS NEAR!!!!!!!