Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Be Patient and Wait!!!!

Ok so I have heard this saying for a long time, "Just be patient and wait." I use to think to myself, "yea, whatever, me wait, PLEASE." Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't wait on anybody, I will get what I want, myself!! But there is something that I just cant get on my own and I do need to wait and be patient. But it is so hard and I get so frustrated when I see others out there who have what I want!! Maybe it is not meant to be, I think. Or maybe I had it and didn't know and now I cant get it because it is gone!!! Others have also told me that it will come to me, but there has been plenty of its that have came but just wasn't the right it, or at least I thought. And now I am thinking that maybe I am holding onto something that isn't there and I am wishing for it to be there. Should I let go? Or should I hold on? I have prayed, and prayed to God about this and nothing has happened!!! But I also have to remember to wait on the Lord and be patience because he doesn't come when I want him to but he is always on time!!! So my "it" in this situation is a MAN!!!! LOL LOL But I know that if I am patience and wait on the Lord than he will send me Mr. Right. And I believe that I am ready now to be patience and wait.....I will let you know how this turns out!!

1 comment:


Honey, trust and believe u ain't the only one feeling like times i question myself about certain relationships i've been in and wonder if i made the right decision by moving on with my life...and deep down i know it was best for me!!! u see God puts people in our lives for a reason and for a season...and if that person is meant to stay around then let it be God's will...i mean u will know in your heart if that person means u any when u don't hear me say "DO U WANT ME TO CUSS THIS FOOL OUT FOR U!!!" LOL LOL LOL....then u know he's the one!!!