Sunday, December 16, 2007


I have noticed that I have lost some of my friends. Those friends were my friends since I was little and now that I am "GROWN" it seems that life has taken us into different directions. It is a good thing in a way and then a bad thing also. It just seems like we are all going into two directions and now when I see them I just give a casual Hi and how are you. We really dont have conversation like we used to. It is sad because we use to be so close but I guess thats just how it is. I have friends now and we talk either everyday, every other day, or at least once a week. I can remember being little and we would write in our yearbooks FF (Friends Forever) but is that really true? I dont call everyone my friend....I may call them my associate until I get to know them better. I have very few Friends now and maybe that is a good thing but sometimes it can be a bad thing. I guess the losing of friends is all a part of growing up and I must admit that I am growing up because I do not do some of the things I use to do and maybe that is why they are not my friends anymore. But I look at it like it is time to grow up and act my age, not my shoe size!! I still love those "friends" and wish the best of them, but I am on a different road right now and I dont think it is best for me to reverse, switch lanes and go backwards!!!!!! So to all my "friends" that I have now and my best friend thanks for everything and putting up with me and my moods!! LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is so True. Girl who taught you how to speak the REAL like that! Honey I can relate so much on this topic and to be quite honest out of all my old friends you are the ONLY ONE that I can find myself hanging out with or even calling on a regular basis. Dang I guess it is true: You Lose Friends because you are going down a different path, meaning you are all grown up and they are still playing High School Games. More power to you Becky and always remember you will have me as a Friend for as long as I am Living no matter what, and yeah your Attutide Stinks Sometimes!!! :)